Wish Interview

MMO-Dawn has conducted an interview with Mutable Realms’ Dana “Lepidus” Massey, in which the designer answers a few tough questions about their upcoming MMORPG, Wish. Take a look:

Q: Many players feel very hesitant about point and click interfaces. How do you see the Point-and-Click movement evolving through development?

A: While there are some people who dislike PnC, we also have many testers who strongly prefer our way of movement, and now dislike going back to games with classical keyboard movement. Also keep in mind that we combined PnC with a pathfinding that has no equivalent in any other MMO title. This pathfinding gives us incredible opportunity to implement features that other games can never have. For example, having pets follow you and never get stuck, or automatically moving to an NPC or fellow player in a town, even if such NPC or other player is on the other side of the town or inside a building.

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