Wish Chat Log

The guys at Stratics have whipped up a transcript from their recent House of Commons chat with Mutable Realms about their upcoming UMMORPG, Wish. An excerpt to follow:

*Frostpaw* Hello guys 8) I’ve never experienced a decent tavern atmosphere in a MMORPG so far. Does wish have any plans to make Taverns once more the hub of social activity where players want to visit to take a load off while playing gambling games and supping ales with strangers and friends alike, to create the lively sometimes dangerous and rowdy watering holes fantasy fans have come to love in single player games and Fantasy novels?

We have quite a few ideas on ways to make the tavern a local hotbed. Mini-games are something we would like to do, but the more important core mechanics will obviously come first, so probably not initially. However, for taverns they will be centers for a wealth of activities.
Brewing, one of our tradeskills, as well as a centre for certain Lore Guilds. Another aspect will be that the tavern is usually a good place to find a quest.

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