WildStar Wednesday: Meet the Aurin

For their latest WildStar Wednesday segment the folks at Carbine Studios have prepared a fictional interview with Liara, an Esper member of the Aurin race, who was already featured in the game’s debut trailer. Here’s a snip from it:

Q: Arboria? Is that the planet you’re from?

A: The one and only! You’ve never been there? It’s the most wonderful place in the whole universe! There are flowers everywhere, and the forests are the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen! At least, they were until…uh….

Q: Go on. Did something happen there?

A: Yes, something ‘happened’ there. The Dominion showed up and ruined it all!

Q: Sounds like it makes you pretty angry.

A: Angry? They make me absolutely furious! They just show up one day without an invitation, and then they start killing our forests with these great big, ugly machines. Some of those trees were personal friends of mine! I don’t like thinking bad thoughts about anyone, but sometimes I wish that all of those Dominion bullies would just…just…well, just fall down and die!

Q: I can see this is upsetting you. Let’s talk about something else. You’re a scientist, right? Tell me about that.

A: Well, being an Aurin and growing up on Arboria means that I know a lot about nature. And when we joined the Exiles I thought it made sense to put all of that knowledge to good use. So I showed up at the Academy with a smile on my face and told them that I was ready to get to work and make a difference!

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