WildStar Wednesday: From Concept to Creature, Part Three

For their latest WildStar Wednesday, the folks at Carbine Studios have put on their website the last part of their “From Concept to Creature” insight into the process their artist follow when it comes to drawing and sculpting a creature for their upcoming MMO. Here’s a snip from the text:

Put all those steps together and what do you have? A finished boss model! I want to point out – the Final picture up there is the actual model. That isn’t concept art. When it is handed over to have rigging and animation done, that is what they will be using.

Yes. I am in awe of our art department, too.

There you have it, folks! Metal Maw has finished his journey through modeling and will soon be ready to animate. When he gets to his new home, we’ll let you know what department he visits and who will be taking care of him. Until then, have a fantastic WildStar Wednesday!

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