WildStar Previews, Last Two Races Revealed

A couple of new WildStar previews, focusing on the last two races that have been revealed by Carbine Studios, have surfaced recently.

PC Gamer covers the Mordesh, a zombie-like race of aliens that faced near-extinction in the past:

While they used to be a fairly normal-looking alien race as far as weird alien races go, the Mordesh faced a near-extinction event when one of their most brilliant scientists unwittingly unleashed a plague that came close to wiping out the entire population (oops). He was able to create an elixir to prevent them from dying out completely, but the damage done to their DNA was too severe to fix with a simple pill.

Now, they’re as close to death as possible, with a sickly skin tone and a generally unpleasing appearance. It’s no wonder that other races will offhandedly refer to them as (space zombies,) because that’s pretty much what they look like. And if they weren’t disturbing enough as is, they also run the Exile’s secret intelligence agency, making them an undead version of the CIA.

I jumped into the world as a Spellslinger, which actually has more in common with The Old Republic’s Trooper class than it does any mage you’ve ever played. Sporting a slew of ranged blaster attacks, my Mordesh (which sounds like the name of an ‘˜80s show) lumbered around the world taking down enemies with his powerful guns. WildStar’s combat is real time and based on area-of-effect attacks, so I found that I was able to use even the most basic of attacks to hit multiple enemies if I lined things up right. This shaped how I played the game, changing my focus from kiting an enemy away from his allies to trying to group foes together to do as much damage as possible to as many things as I could. When they went to return attacks I’d tumble away, which animated more gracefully than I’d expect from a race that’s supposed to have one foot in the grave.

While GamesRadar focuses on the Chua, a race of sociopathic rodent-likes:

Say what you will about the Chua’s diminutive stature, but don’t ever call them harebrained. Despite their at-times manic demeanor, Chua are highly intelligent inventors who have a knack for building machines of mass destruction. With the Dominion providing the Chua with a steady supply of resources, they’re free to construct some of the most destructive objects in the known universe. That includes a host of high-tech weaponry, as well as Planet Reapers, gigantic mechs that can decimate an entire landscape in no time flat.

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