Wildman Kickstarter Campaign Update #1, $149,600 and Counting

The first update for the Wildman Kickstarter from Gas Powered Games is out, thanks to which we learn that the game will be DRM-free, that it will feature both an online and offline mode, that Linux and OSX support are stretch goals and a few more things.

Here’s a snip:


Wildman will have no DRM. Nada. Zip.

Offline and Online Mode

Wildman will have an offline and online mode. We’re focusing our initial efforts on the offline version. The offline version will not require an Internet connection to play. It will also support all mods. We may allow offline characters in private co-op, but that’s TBD.

The online version will feature a character vault that allows you to easily move the same character between machines, and will be more secure. It will be the version used in public co-op multiplayer, and will allow limited (approved) mods.

Linux and OS/X Support

These are stretch goals. Once we meet our initial funding, we will unveil the goals we need to reach to support additional platforms. We are not using a commercial engine like Unity, so each additional OS adds requires additional development and testing to our project. However, we have already started the work to make our engine support multi-platform OpenGL instead of Windows-only DirectX.

(This is the primary reason we’ve been hesitant to show gameplay; we are mid-renderer, which means the game today does not look as good as it will when we are finished.)


We are initially focused on developing the single-player version of Wildman, and after we get that version complete we will add co-op support to War Zones.

It is our belief that adding co-operative play to an already entertaining single-player game makes for a fun co-op multiplayer game. The opposite, however, isn’t always true.

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