What Can Make or Break Borderlands 2

I’m sure we’ll see more of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands sequel next week at E3, and in the meantime you might be interested in reading what Hard Reset thinks might make or break the title. Customizable weapons, NPCs and the game’s storyline are all considered in the article:

Customizable Weapons

One of the things that really blew me away about the first Borderlands was the guns. I played through the campaign multiple times, and was always finding new combinations of guns with different stats. Even guns like Lady Fingers, which was always generated, had a degree of variety. So mission to mission what I was really always doing was looking for that next great gun to help me take down the next biggest baddie. I tell ya, there’s nothing like blowing up a giant skag with an explosive round shotgun. So the idea of customizing weapons seems tempting but it could easily go wrong.

The problem that comes along with customization stems from the core of Borderlands itself. Borderlands is all about the loot; finding that next great gun and tossing away the old is half the fun. If the new game allows you to upgrade and customize then the chances of throwing away that gun you put so much work into are much lower. Clearly there is a danger to the core gameplay if the customization is very in depth, however this could be solved pretty easily by keeping it to a minimum. If parts are merely additions instead of completely reworking the gun, then it could be a cool way to boost your weapons without getting too attached.

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