What am I Playing Now (Sept)

July seems so long ago now, those beautiful sunny days that could be glimpsed from my gaming room window as I battled Hearthstone players, and the cold darker days of Autumn seemed so far away. But did this change of season make any difference to what I was playing? Honestly, no how could it? but other stuff did probably did have an effect, and just two months down the line there has been a bit of an old re-arrange.

So what exactly have I been playing these last couple of months? I’ll give you clue, it’s Hearthstone.

5. The Simpsons Tapped Out (No previous rank)

It’s still hanging in there, and after the monorail patch of August we’re left wondering what will be next. Annoyingly, my Simpsons Tapped out seemed to have gone back. I’d done the Bordello bit and all the new quest lines surrounding Jewish guy and Abe Simpson but for some reason it reset after the Monorail patch and had to build the buildings and complete the quest lines again. OH, well I guess it doesn’t matter.

I am finding that Simpsons Tapped Out is getting a little stale for me. I log on more often than not out of habit rather than any real desire to. Will it drop off the list altogether? It certainly could, but until then I’ll just keep tapping.

4. Dragon Age: Inquisition (No previous rank)

Back on the list after several months break is Dragon Age Inquisition. After the success and in-depth game I had with my female, human mage, I’ve started again with a male elf warrior. My first play through was all about leniency, not only with mages but also with anyone who crossed me. Well, not this time, my elf warrior is a very angry individual who hates mages and settles everything by removing heads. So in that, it should be a relatively new play experience. After all, new race, gender, class, and thought process, it can’t get much more different.

3. Arkham Origins (1)Joker Arkham Origins Batman

This has dropped a few places from number one down to three. Although this is hardly surprising after completing the main game and just bobbing in and out for some bad-guy butt kicking or grabbing a one of the remaining data packs.

Although, now I have seen the end which nicely ties in to Batman Arkham Asylum I can imagine I will be giving that one the good ol’ college try before too long, and then just as likely going on to Arkham City. After which, I hope that Arkham Knight is cheap enough for me to grab a copy in the next Steam Sale.

2. World of Warcraft (5)

Well, Star Wars Old Republic disappeared off the list, and my resident MMO is back to being World of Warcraft. I guess, we knew it was inevitable, but when faced with a whole week and then later a whole bank holiday weekend to game I had the time to blast though the legendary quest lines, the raids and make a good mark through the flight achievement requirements. Now Legends has been announced, I wonder if there will be yet another break at some point in the future before the new expansion is released.

1. Hearthstone (3)

Hearthstone has grabbed me by the throat in a major way. Every journey to and from work, I get at least 2-3 games of Hearthstone in. Now I’ve picked up some pretty darn fine cards my hunter is even more (mostly) unstoppable. My favourite Hearthstone being the ‘Ball of Spiders ‘card. That’s saved my ass on more than one occasion. Now I rank around the 18-20 mark, which is, not great I admit but a hell of a lot better than 25 which is where I languished before. Although, admittedly I wasn’t trying.

Hearthstone Ball of Spiders and Webspinner Cards

Anyway, Hearthstone rules.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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