Welcome to the World of Anthem

Walking the roads of Bungie’s Destiny and Activision The Division, Anthem combines third-person shooter and action role-playing game elements in a gorgeous open world shared with up to three other players who wear highly customizable exosuits known as Javalins.

Javalins come in four unique classes. The Ranger, Colussus, Storm and Interceptor. The Ranger is an all rounded balanced Javalin; Colussus, as the name suggests is the tank, bulky and heavily armoured, Storm, is the javaline who uses his tech to rain destruction from above and finally we have Interceptor who is best in close quarters and can easily come and go even more his enemies know what hit ’em.

The open world of Anthem seems alive and is the blender in which different factions of the game meet, including the Sentinels, Corvus, Cyphers, and Arcanists. The game world is effected by storms and other occurences that may also alter thelandscape and the world giving it a more lively feel along with the various beasts and monsters roaming around.

Now Anthem has some very deep customization here, I would go as far to say as this is one of the deepest customization systems I have seen in a game in a long time. Every part can be extensively colored and textured the way you want it to be, you can use various colored Decals, you can add wear and tear to your javelin as you see fit, you can fully customize your weapons and armor with the parts and eye candy you want, in other words it looks crazy good and no two Javelins will end up the same unless there is some crazy luck at work that’s for sure.

You can  customize virtually anything and that is very good  because customization makes you feel one with the character or in this case the Javelin you’re playing in. That is one of the biggest reasons Warframe has gotten so much success, they did customization right and Anthem doesn’t seem to be doing so bad either. If you add in the fact that this game looks gorgeous, that just makes this system better.

Overall, I would say Anthem is looking spectacular, IF they can learn from the mistakes of the current games in the genre and do this thing right, it could be one of the biggest successful games to date, of course having EA and Bioware behind it are leaving gamers skeptical, but never hurts to keep those fingers crossed does it…

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Maruf Hasan
Maruf Hasan

Maruf Hasan, mixed Middle Eastern, grew up in Florida, but still doesn’t like the sun. Currently living in Malaysia perusing a degree in Animation. He’s been a fan of video games since he started with Pokémon Red and pays a lot of attention to the music and art style because that’s what he loves most about them. Totally a story-oriented gamer and totally a Nintendo fan boy, The Legend of Zelda is his favorite series and will be until the sun burns out.

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