WC3 Power Preview

I hope you haven’t filled your quota of Warcraft III previews yet. It’s over a year away and it’s one of the few games that has me excited with so much time to go. I always enjoy looking at the (I finally figured out what the screenshots remind me of) Capcom-ish style of colorful graphics and reading one or two new things in every preview. That’s exactly what you’ll get with this new one, at Firingsquad, such as estimating that it’ll take you about an hour for your hero to achieve level 10. It’s nice and lengthy in the style of recent WCIII previews, and overall like a mini-faq for the game, with screenshots. I especially like the detailed unit descriptions at the end. Here’s a hunk:

The music is as good as ever with the same quality tunes you heard in Warcraft 2. Just like previous games, Blizzard is also working hard on creating amusing responses from units when you keep on clicking them. As for the voices, we noticed that all the dwarves have a Scottish accent and the female units sound like they’re trying to seduce you.

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