Wasteland Remastered Update 1.18 Live

InXile Entertainment and Krome Studios have recently put together a new update for their remastered version of the original Wasteland. Apart from fixing a good number of bugs, the update introduces some quality of life improvements that make inventory and skill management way less cumbersome. Here are the patch notes:



  • Items can be sorted by: equipped, alphabetical, and inverse alphabetical
  • Skills can be sorted by: level, inverse level, alphabetical, and inverse alphabetical
  • You can click on (or select with d-pad and A-button) or select by number to construct your own order, then fill with the remaining items keeping their existing order
  • Mouse wheel will change the page of the right hand window


  • On the items tab of a character select the new “Trade” button (help is now removed from “items” tab) you will be able to select whom you want to trade to; and what items, with it showing you how many slots are available at the recipient
  • All the trading functionality (like NPCs refusing) should still occur with this system


  • Fix for disbanded party not healing
  • Fix for missing translation on player ranks
  • Fix for the skills text alignment (so that if a skill goes to level 10; the skill names are formatted correctly)
  • Made the lock-out on the right trigger only check the right trigger release before disabling the lock-out
  • Fix for buttons changing from a key to button after one frame when using controller
  • Added window clear if ESC pressed while selecting shot type (Single, Semi, Auto)
  • Fix for radiation armor not working if in slot 1 of the inventory
  • Set up Yes/No selections to only accept 1, 2, Y, N, ESC
  • “Use these combat options?” now only accepts Yes/No
  • Fix for combat content getting pushed to the bottom right window incorrectly
  • Fix for character name not being displayed at end-of-game special level up
  • Fix for the last page of the character’s items while in a shop not updating, if you sell all items on that page
  • Temple of the Mushroom Cloud: Fix for issue where the main entrance doors to the mushroom temple would not visually close after opening them with the passwords, but then blowing up the security camera (Discord report)
  • Temple of the Mushroom Cloud: fixes for explosion offsets on some doors
  • Scott’s Bar: added conversation tag to a couple more lines of the Riddler’s (Scott’s Bar) conversation to fix missing or incorrect cameos in conversations
  • Now only plays the “end of combat” sting if you were in a combat (not just doing an encounter round when not in combat to reload, etc)
  • Needles Police Station: linked up missing events for one door in the police station to fix a door that does not animate
  • Fix for numbers being usable during direction select instead of WASD / ESDF (or controller direction)
  • Added support for mouse wheel to all menus item and skill selections
  • Fixed multiple problems with map sizing
  • Pool and Divide now retain highlight position on menus
  • Removed pool and divide from the Buy/Sell select menu
  • Fix for random nameless cameos when forcing combat. Have replaced with current player to clean it up
  • UI: Fix for “$…” being displayed when Pool or Divide is used on the BUY/SELL selection
  • Fix to solve some invisible enemies
  • Fix for save game loading while in combat, so that the next combat you have after the load doesn’t have additional enemies
  • Fix for “press any key to continue” not fitting for non-English languages
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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