Wasteland 3 Collector’s Edition Revealed

InXile Entertainment is currently looking at May 19, 2020 as the release date for their post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland 3. And with that day fast approaching, we get this Fig update that showcases the game’s impressive physical Collector’s Edition. The update itself features a good deal of photos, but here are just the text bits:

Wasteland 3 Collector’s Edition backers, we’ve got a treat for you that’s hotter than a reactor core on overload. Fresh from the irradiated forge we have our first images to share.

Before we get to it, we’re gonna ask that you take a seat and buckle in. You might also want to pour yourself some Snake Squeezin’s because the hype is real, and we are here for it. (We already dipped into our own bottle of Squeezin’s. Whatever, let’s proceed.)

We got pretty excited with this Collector’s Edition and wanted to make it the biggest and best we’ve ever done. We hope you like it.

Apocalyptic Aperitif

Ok, let’s dig in. To all who backed at the Collector’s Edition levels, you can expect to receive this fanciful 11”x12”x13” box (that’s over 1,700 cubic inches!) featuring placid greetings of a Colorado that once was…

Removing the sleeve of the “wrapped” package reveals the ominous landscape of a burned out and frozen-over Colorado. Welcome to Colorful Colorado indeed…

First Course

Placed gingerly atop the outer shell and protective foam are the first items. Let’s talk first about the cassette tape. This retro mixtape secretly hides an 8GB USB stick, which is where you’ll find the Wasteland 3 soundtrack, as well as your manual for the game.

You’ll be able to proudly display your service to the Desert Rangers with a hefty metal keychain, as well as General Vargas’ very own dog tags. Pour one out, may he rest in peace.

Digging deeper into this buffet, collectors will find the Wasteland Survival Guide, a tome passed down through the Ranger ranks containing information collected about the world from the perspective of the Rangers (although it seems Scotchmo got ahold of it at one point). Next is the Wasteland 3 Art Book, an overview of the visual evolution of the characters, weapons, locations, and more that went into the development of Wasteland 3. Rounding out our reference material is a cloth map of Colorado, which mirrors the in-game map.

We’re going to keep the contents of these a secret until you get ahold of them, and of course fair warning they contain spoilers aplenty for the game.

The Main Course

Within the magnetically-sealed outer cityscape, we have the big reveal, and we mean it when we say we’ve saved the beast for last.

At 8” tall, a hand-painted Scorpitron stands atop the crumbling remnants of society, as a mushroom cloud rises over downtown Denver. The Collector’s Edition isn’t just a box to hold stuff, it transforms into a story-filled diorama fit for any display case.

The Scorpitron is shipped in three pieces, with the body standing on a sturdy base and magnetically connected tail and front gun array. It’s easy to unpack and set up this very limited-edition statue.

Soup to Nuts

It gives us immense pleasure to share the final version of the Wasteland 3 Collector’s Edition with you. We want to extend a heartfelt thanks to all our supporters and hope that this preview tantalizes all our Collector’s Edition backers who have been anxious for what’s in store for them.

Wasteland 3 of course releases May 19, 2020 for Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and we’re looking forward to getting the game into your hands.

The Wasteland 3 Collector’s Edition includes:

  • Wasteland 3 Collector’s Edition outer sleeve and inner display-box with magnetic tri-panel enclosure and diorama display
  • Scorpitron statue
  • Ranger’s Star metal keychain
  • Wasteland 3 mini-mixtape 8GB USB stick (containing soundtrack and game manual)
  • General Vargas’ dog tags
  • Wasteland 3 Art Book
  • Wasteland Survival Guide
  • Cloth Map of Colorado

Thanks again,

The Wasteland 3 Team


Q: I got a signed Collector’s Edition; how does that work?
A: Lucky you! The Signed Collector’s Editions include an additional removable outer sleeve which contains all of our terrible penmanship… in real ink!

Q: I’m a proud supporter of the Wasteland 3 Collector’s Edition! Is there anything else I need to do?
A: We recommend all backers log into Crowd Ox to ensure your contact and shipping info is correct.

Q: I didn’t buy a Collector’s Edition, can I still do that?
A: This Collector’s Edition was only available to Fig backers during the campaign while it was active. The backer campaign ended in late 2017 and all post-campaign backing has been closed.

Q: Will any of the items included in the Collector’s Edition be available separately?
A: Our intention is to keep the Collector’s Edition as exclusive as possible. If physical merch is something you’re interested in though, it’s best to keep an eye on the @Wasteland Twitter account as it’ll likely appear there.

Q: Is a physical copy of the game also included with the Collector’s Edition?
A: We decided against physical copies as it allowed us to put that cost into things like the Scorpitron statue, USB cassette, and upgrades we made to the materials, box, and packaging. Collector’s Edition backers will be receiving digital codes for the platform of their choosing.

Q: When do we get to pick our digital code platform?
A: Soon! Keep an eye on your email and be sure to check Crowd Ox as surveys will be going out before too much longer regarding Steam/GOG and Xbox One/PlayStation 4 platform choices depending on your pledge level and addons.

Q: I backed the game but wish I had gotten a Collector’s Edition. 🙁
A: We feel you. There’s a small possibility that we made a couple extra, and if so, we may look at doing a contest or something to give them away. Again, keep an eye on the @Wasteland Twitter for up-to-the-minute news.

Q: When can backers expect to receive their Collector’s Editions?
A: We’re targeting to have them delivered as close to the May 19 release date as possible.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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