Wasteland 2 Interview

The fundraising drive for Wasteland 2 may have concluded today, but I suspect that we will keep seeing interviews for a little longer, like this one from Polish website Gameplay with Brian Fargo, which luckily comes with an English version. Here’s a snippet:

Szymon Liebert: Let’s talk about Wasteland 2 itself. What’s so special about this game that makes it so interesting today?

Brian Fargo: I think what makes it special is a variety of factors. Clearly people like the bleak and gritty post apocalyptic world and they are seeking an intelligently designed and written version of it. I also think people want to play a party based RPG which offers a deeper and more customizable experience. We also offer a world that does not preach morality or try to be politically correct. You play in this world the way you want. There are consequences for all the actions but we don’t tell you how to behave. There was also a literary vibe that the old school RPG games had that people responded to. I just think some of these traditional RPG games were intelligent.

Szymon Liebert: Survivaealism, sandbox experience, story which of these elements is the most important for you with Wasteland

Brian Fargo: I guess I would have to rate sandbox at the top of the list since that boils down to cause and effect. RPG players are very clear that they want their decisions to mean something. Look at the uproar from Mass Effect 3 and the ending. That was all because people felt their actions didn’t really matter. And for story I find the journey to be the reward. The individual moments along the way are what people remember.

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