Warlords Battlecry III Review

GameAxis has posted a review of Warlords Battlecry III, giving the RTS/RPG hybrid an overall score of 8.0/10. An excerpt:

Fair enough, sound effects like that is very much appreciated and is a better alternative than having your hero die on you and then having the game end or something drastic like that. Unfortunately, the repetitive warcries of the units are rather irritating and when the heartbeat track starts playing ever so often, you’d wish you had the game muted. If there was any music playing in the background, it’s all drowned out by such noises in the foreground.

Don’t get me wrong there. This is a great game to play. The gameplay’s innovative and there’s incredible playability. Its uniqueness is enough to make me, for one, able to overlook its flaws and enjoy the game. It’s just too bad I had to play it with minimal sound.

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