Warlords Battlecry III Previews

A small handful of previews for Infinite Interactive’s Warlords Battlecry III hit the web over the past couple of days. The first is at The Adrenaline Vault:

Low-level troops can still see combat and gain levels, but it’s likely to be in the course of escort duty while you use your commander to convert mines to your side. At times, while playing skirmish matches against the computer, this became comic. I’d scout ahead with a small contingent of troops, grabbing resource sites as I went, and suddenly run into the enemy hero and his posse. Sometimes, the opposing hero would stay and fight, but often, both he and my avatar would chicken out rather than risk dying. We’d both dash off in opposite directions, leaving the guards to beat each other senseless in the middle. Frequently, I’d realize that the other guy wasn’t going to come back, so I’d turn around, but the fight would almost always be concluded by the time I managed to get my hero back to the scene. There’d either be only a few of my soldiers left with which to continue scouting or a couple of wounded enemies to slay.

The second is at HomeLan Fed:

While the game does have some RPG like features, Warlords Battlecry III is pretty much a full on RTS title. You get your peasant units to gather resources like gold, crystals and the like and you build your structures and create and train your military units. Because of all the playable races in the game you can expect a wide variety of fantasy units you can use, from big orcs to lizards to even flying creatures along with siege units andmore. The developers have concocted a solid single player campaign along with multiplayer support, a random map generator, and a full map editor so there should be any complains about lack of content or replayablity for the game.

And the third is at Game Over Online:

As with the other Battlecry titles, in Warlords Battlecry III you can craft a hero of a certain class and enhance them through improvement of attributes and equipment. Your hero can be wielded not only in individual skirmishes but also in the single player campaign as well. Most games let you do one but not the other. In addition to statistics and gaining experience, your hero also carries around with them a retinue of troops. These are pre-hired troops that can be bought with the laurels of each victory. These types of features encourage better playing. If you spend time to explore every nook and cranny of a map, you’ll gain more experience that you can use to make subsequent missions all the more easier. A weapon picked up in a skirmish could become a bonus you can use in a campaign.

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