Warlords Battlecry III Diary #4

The fourth installment to RPGVault’s ongoing Warlords Battlecry III diary is now available, with Infinite Interactive’s Janeen Fawkner talking about her role in the game’s creation. An excerpt to follow:

Once the assets are done, there are scenarios to create – for the campaign, skirmish and multiplayer. The key here is fun and variety – we want to keep our customers playing and having a good time. Everyone in the company gets a go at creating these for a few weeks, and then the Lead Designer, Steve, chooses the best to go into the game.

Marketing also plays an important part. Without it, the customers would not know our game existed, so it is up to both the developer and publisher to ensure websites and magazines receive lots of information. We have always had the publisher organize the marketing for our games, but it is my job to make sure they receive everything they need on time. Over the life of the game, we help update the website, provide screenshots and documents – like this diary – a game demo for magazine cover discs, and hi-res marketing art.

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