Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes Preview

There hasn’t been a lot of info available for BioWare Mythic’s F2P PvP-based MMO Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes, which makes this preview from Hawt Wired, in which they recap all we know about the game so far, a little on the short side, but it should still prove a good starting point for people that haven’t heard of the title so far. Here’s a sampling:

Based on the scenario combat from the Warhammer Online MMO, Wrath of Heroes features 3-team combat, 6-on-6-on-6. Rather than generic classes, Wrath of Heroes uses named characters (each representing classic Warhammer classes) to duke it out, and BioWare Mythic is hoping to have as many as 25-characters when then get to launch. Still a game largely in progress, the BioWare Mythic is designing the characters on two principals: “What is needed?” and “What is fun?” As such, the development is seeing characters designed on the premise of awesome-to-play, potentially overpowerd character types, and characters who focus on grieving a potentially overpowered character. The combo promises to help keep the battle field evolving as teams continue trying to rock-paper-scissors each other into submission.

Combat plays similar to MMO combat, for those of you who are familiar. For those who aren’t, each character has a basic attack and four unique powers. The powers each feature individual cool down rates to keep them from being spammed, but the main attack will always be available. Players can change characters on respawn, keeping the evolving battle I mentioned earlier constantly flowing.

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