Warhammer Online Preview

There’s an interesting new preview of Games Workshop’s upcoming Warhammer Online over at GamesDomain today, which includes a few new screenshots. Here’s a bit of what they had to say:

    Alright, we’ll concede that an online world based on Warhammer is intriguing. After all, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is a force to be reckoned within its own right, and the world is as deep, explored and elaborated upon as any fantasy setting in existence. In fact, it’s so deep that Climax has admitted there’s no way it can recreate it all from the off. The first incarnation of the world will be set in Reikland, the area of the Empire between the River Reik and the Grey Mountains. Those familiar with the world will be aware that this area, from Marienburg in the north to the foothills of the Black Mountains in the south is already vast, but well detailed through all Warhammer fantasy literature, be it paper and pencil RPG, tabletop gaming, or one of the many novels the setting has spawned.
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