Warhammer Online Interview Transcript

Eurogamer has kicked up a transcript of their live Warhammer Online interview with Mythic Entertainment’s Paul Barnett, Jeff Hickman, Rob Hinkle, and Destin Bales.

jamesjlee asks: You announced 300,000 subs for War recently. It’s a big drop from the 750,000 you originally announced, but was it expected?

Jeff Hickman: We are super proud of our subscription numbers. We expected a hit from our competitors launch and the economy is tough right now. But our subs are growing, especially as we see people return from “That Other Game” ™.

Super Moderating Hero: Are you going to keep adding more classes at a similar pace now that the four you originally cut have been reinstated? What about those cities you axed?

Destin Bales: For now our focus is in version 1.2, the Slayer and Choppa, and the Call to Arms campaigns. Although no current development is underway for additional careers at the moment, they are of course discussed around the office.

As for cities, we continue to invest time and energy on our existing capitals. For example – the rewards given for invading and defending IC and Altdorf are being revised at the moment.

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