Warhammer Online E3 Preview & Interview

Warcry is offering up an article that details their first impressions of Warhammer Online at E3, as well as commentary from Games Workshop’s Edward Relf. An excerpt to follow:

I went into the interview with rather low expectations. As of late, my faith in the MMO genre has taken a bit of a beating. What I saw, however, surpassed anything I would have expected. I talked with Edward Relf a little before we went into the demo room because I arrived early, and he was a very open and welcoming person. We started out in a small town called Uberlat, and right away I noticed the sea. The water effects are always one of the first things I notice, and they did it right in this game.

Next I was shown a set of orcs he explained to me that Warhammer Online’s con system is going to be different from other MMOs currently out. Instead of outright telling you how you are in relation to the monster you are approaching, the game only gives you visual clues. This is something that interested me quite a bit, as it adds a level of realism that isn’t found in games like EverQuest and its like. It gives you a sort of unease whenever you enter a new area, something which the WO team is very big on.

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