Warhammer Online Article & Screenshots

The MMORPG we haven’t heard too much of yet, Warhammer Online, is the focus of a new article over at Eurogamer. The article gives a pretty good overview of what we can expect to see as the game continues development:

    “From the outset, Warhammer Online was conceived as a game that would plunge its players into a life of battle and adventure within a grim and gritty realisation of the Warhammer World”, according to Robin, although obviously the details of how this will be done have now changed radically. “Set in the Reikland against the turbulent backdrop of Warhammer, players will enter the world as lowly adventurers. In company with hundreds of other players they’ll begin to explore the world and through skill, luck and a trusty blade, rise to become a famous hero and the leader of a powerful band of men.”

In addition to the lengthy article, they’ve also posted up sixteen screenshots from the game.

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