Warcraft III Preview

GameSpy has posted the latest preview of Blizzard’s soon-to-be-released Warcraft III. The article reveals quite a bit of information about the game, even revealing details about some of the earlier campaign missions, such as the following:

    The Defense of Strahnbrad: After the cinematic leading into the human campaign, your first mission is defined as Prince Arthas arrives in camp. He greets an old friend and is told he must defend the town of Strahnbrad as the Orcs are planning an attack. You must take your small contingent of men and save the town.

    Along the way, you have the chance to complete two side quests: Save little Timmy from gnolls, which will provide you a nice trinket as a reward, and rescue a ledger for a merchant who was waylaid by bandits and kill the bandit leader. Pretty basic stuff, but enough to get the player familiar with the controls and interface without feeling threatened to complete the mission in a certain time. This will also give you time to practice destroying buildings and crates to look for loot.

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