Warcraft III Pre-E3 Info

PC.ign gives us the latest detailed look at the game that’s suddenly looking more “human” due to the juicy RPGness of the design a year ago being seeped out on occasion. The camera has been reworked to a similar angle of the previous games, larger groups are now possible and even the interface is looking, though ultra colored and fantastic… a bit unlike something totally new. Nevertheless I’m still very much looking forward to it (the Warcraft series being one of my favorite series ever) and here’s a bit of what the venerable e-mag had to say, in detail:

The elves are a long range race, where even the grunts are archers. You’ll have to use stealth and cunning, not to mention a lot of run and gun tactics to beat your opponents. While I didn’t get a chance to see one in motion, the elven township can literally uproot itself, travel to a new area, and even attack due to the fact that all elven buildings are actually Treants, living trees. As you’d expect, the Elves are tied to the forest, so a lot of their power and abilities are related to the trees themselves. For instance, the Keeper of the Grove, an elven hero, can use the spell Nature’s Touch to destroy or regrow trees at will, allowing you to use a forest as a sort of movable doorway for your troops. The Sentinel unit also uses nature to her aid in the form of an owl that can be sent out to scout out territory quickly. Female units like the Assassin, Sentinel, and the Archer also have another advantage — cloaking. At night they’ll turn completely invisible when still, allowing you to sneak up on an enemy without their knowledge, as long as you’re not caught in mid-movement.

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