Warcraft III Interview

The Armchair Empire has posted up an interview with Bill Roper of Blizzard Entertainment, asking various questions about their upcoming RPG/RTS Warcraft III. Here’s a bit of what they had to say:

    AE: Since heroes imbue abilities upon the other units that surround them and heroes are capable of gaining levels, will more abilities be made available to these surrounding units as the heroes increase in levels just as the heroes gain new abilities with level-ups?

    BR: They have a set number of skills, for each hero, and those skills have levels. For example, if there is an aura that a hero unit has that gives all of the surrounding units added damage that they do with their attacks, he can increase that skill up to 3 levels. So he can have a level 1, 2, or 3, each imparting greater benefit to the units around him, or he can learn different skills in his array of skills or spells, and those can potentially impart different things depending on what the skill or spell is.

Interested in reading the rest of the interview? Then click here.

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