Warcraft III Giganto Preview

Easily one of the most colorful games in development and for some reason this is exactly the way I picture this game… Blizzard’s threequel Warcraft III is looking better than… well, it’s getting the spit and polish it deserves. PCgameplay is the latest site to give the game an investigatory once over, with a fairly big orc-sized preview and a side-car full of colourful screenies such as this beaut. Verbiage goes thusly:

The resource management and gathering as seen in previous titles in the Warcraft series still plays an important role, but everything here has been streamlined and simplified. There are two resources in the game at the moment: gold and a second resource Blizzard tentatively calls ‘mana stones’. Gold must be mined and pays for basic paraphernalia such as regular units, buildings and researching most of the technology tree. Mana stones, on the other hand, are only obtained by entering into combat and defeating opponents. Once slain, foes drop these stones and it’s these mystical objects with which you buy your hero units.

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