Warcraft III Designer Interview

Tailor made to suit your questions and not too tight around those sensitive areas, Raily Dadar smacked up an interview with the lead designer of none other than Warcraft III, the RTRPS (real-time role playing strat game) that has fans in a slobbering froth of excitement… hold on a sec while I get a Christmas napkin. Mm thanks. Here’s a white-tinged drip:

Daily Radar: Will there be much branching in the single-player campaign?

Ron Pardo: Branching is something we’ll probably do a little bit. We did a little bit of it in Brood War, and we’ll probably do a little more than that. But it is also our philosophy that we want to provide a lot of content for someone to go through the first time, rather than expect people to replay our campaign three or four times to get all the content.

So, we’ll probably do some limited branching, but we won’t go to the extent of, say, Sacrifice, which has 10 missions, I think, you could play through out of a total of something like 45 possible missions. So you have to play the campaign three or four times to get it all. So there will be some branching, but we won’t go to that extent.

It’s going to be more of a linear campaign like Starcraft was, where you play each race through this epic saga. There’s this overarching storyline, and while you go through the campaign you get the opportunity to play each race’s side during that war.

And within the given campaign, there will be some branching and some choices you make to add some flavor. But there won’t be the kind of decisions you find in older games like Wing Commander or current games like Sacrifice.

So it’s got a HOMMIII or Starcraft feel to it, where you play all the different races to get a taste of how to play each one. I lah it a lah.

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