Warcraft III Blitzkrieg

Coming at us faster than we can read these days, Computer Games Online also got the red carpet at Blizzard for a chance to preview their RPS of the future, Warcraft III. Settled at the bottom like oil in water come 8 new beautiful screens (*cough cough* speaking of oil, it appears that I need to lube up my analogy skills). A trifle before you go:

The second concern is with the scope of the game. StarCraft’s three races were exquisitely balanced and yet totally different from one another. Will Blizzard be able to balance the five races in WarCraft III? As the ante is raised and Blizzard increases the complexity of its games, the type of quality control it likes to exert becomes harder to pull off. Diablo II is its most ambitious game yet, and it’s arguably the bumpiest game release it’s had, with Battle.net problems and quite a few gameplay issues.

This is precisely why they’re spending as much time as needed, to iron out and spit-shine the game to a glossy perfection. That’s the idea anyway and if any company can do that, it’s them. So drift like a big blimp in the wind over to their long-page preview.

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