W3 Review that does NOT praise the game!

Top story of the day! It’s a Warcraft III Review by the Stratos Group, that not only doesn’t praise Warcraft III in most regards with exception of the Single Player campaign, but offers many concerns about the game pushing pebbles so to speak in the gaming world, its lack of ingenuity somewhat surprising for a company such as Blizzard. In my opinion, the final score doesn’t quite match up with the reviewer’s expressed negativity, but I happen to think he nailed quite a few points about the game other reviewers missed, especially with regards to the multiplayer aspect. Inquiring about the score further, they let me know it wasn’t a strict average. It’s a worthwhile read, so here’s a snippet:

So, what does it all mean? Well, look at it this way. Warcraft III is like Warcraft II only the sea battles have been removed because none of the races have naval units. For that matter each race is lucky to have two, and often is limited by one, flying unit. As a result you will ALWAYS be fighting land battles which is a bit too one-dimensional for me. However the graphics have, as you can expect, been improved heavily over Warcraft II and the sound as well. In fact the sound was 100% top-notch. Some excellent cinematics have been inserted that rival the best cinematics I have seen from Hollywood in a computer-animated setting yet as well. Replayability and the multiplayer aspect have been hampered a good bit by the land-only battle tactics and the limited income as well as limited build trees compared to other games, but then again, other than the land-only element that is pretty much like Warcraft II. The problem is that, again, the RTS genre has evolved but for some reason Blizzard is still stuck in the past on that.

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