Version 1.62H Patch Notes (Test)

The Pendragon server has been updated to version 1.62H, which includes several bug fixes and some upgrades to each realm’s epic zone. Here they are in their entirety:


Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.62h Release Notes



– /leveled characters can no longer autotrain for the levels gained using /level.

– Level requirements for Battlefields now check by experience rather than level setting. This means that /leveled characters can not level themselves up to 30 in a level 15 battlefield – they won’t be able to enter at all.

– /Setwho trade should be displaying properly again

– Rapid fire and Critical Shot now both use line-of-sight checks. Note that neither of these abilities will be set to automatically release when you activate them – you’ll need to hit the key for that like a standard shot, longshot, or volley.

– All Penetrating Arrow shots now will pierce AND remove non self bladeturns AND do the modified damage (50, 75 or 100% depending on the level). This change was made to ensure that Archers could remove bladeturn on at least some targets so that they could then do normal arrow damage against them.

– When salvaging cloth items, Clothworking will be checked now instead of Tailoring.

– You should now be able to delve items in your vault.

– If you had any items from your backpack on your quickbar (poisions, potions, etc) the quickbar icons would be deleted whenever you traded with another player. This is now fixed and the icons should remain on the quickbar and still point to the correct items in your backpack.

– You can now /face your pets.

– If you were far enough away from your pet for a long enough duration, sometimes your pet window would pick up another creature in the zone and start displaying its health. This will no longer happen — if you are too far away from your pet for too long, the pet’s health meter will now disappear completely. When you move back in range of your pet, the health meter will reappear with the correct information.

– (SI Only) Stealthed characters will be drawn correctly now, fixing a Pendragon-only bug that would cause them to have visible faces. Stealth should draw the same as it does on live servers.

– The hotkeys for “Self-Craft” and “Sprint” are now correct. (This fixes a Pendragon only bug where they were reversed).

– (SI Only) Fixed a bug that was causing player hair/head textures to be drawn incorrectly on ATI Radeon 9000+ cards.

– (SI Only) The new Battlegrounds, Abermenai (BG0), should now have a splash screen picture when you are entering the zone.

– (Classic Only) The new role-play clothes should now look correct on the Classic Client.

– (Classic Only) /clock should now work on Classic Client


Mentalist Changes

– Adjusted the costs of the Curative Trance. The new costs are:

10 Curative Trance 18
21 Restorative Trance 34
32 Healing Trance 47
43 Sanative Trance 58

Bonedancer Changes

– The Bone Spurs line should now have the proper range set.

General Changes

– For casters with concentration points, when you level, your concentration pool is now properly updated.

– When you level, if your strength increases, your encumberance will properly increase.


Epic zones revisited

In a continuing effort to revitalize under-utilized areas of the game, we have revisited the three zones that contain the original dragons. After evaluating all three, we are adding new AI for all the existing named mobs to increase the variety of encounters in the zone, and tweaking the Dartmoor and Sheeroe Hills zones so they will hopefully have as much appeal for players in those realms as Malmohus has for Midgard players. In order to do this, we have decreased the scout range of all scout mobs in each zone. This should allow players to navigate the zone easier and lower the chances of having mobs aggro from distances that are too far for players to deal with. We have also lowered the spawn times of some generators that were spawning faster than players were able to reliably deal with.

Additionally, all three dragons have had their damage on one of their two breath spells greatly lowered.

Pendragon only note – We have tuned the NPC’s who award equipment to newly levelled characters. With the /level command, a system has been added to equip the newly high leveled characters with some base equipment. The items in this system can be obtained multiple times if necessary. The following NPC’s can assist you:

Camelot: Hadreth, Assistant Wells, Galaris Pritchard, and Lucia Pritchard.
Tir na Nog: Carraent, Aetheonyc, Rhyryn, Gwucyn, Somyr, and Caryan
Jordheim: Gair and Kelleher

General Quest Notes

– There are rumors of a strange sickness spreading through the capital cities of all the realms. The city guards claim these rumors are untrue, yet word around the inns claims otherwise. Those interested in the truth should inquire there.

– Item drops for the Level 20+ bounty quests should now all be stackable. The quest NPC’s will only take one item at a time, so players will need to unstack the items in order to turn them in.

Monster Notes

– All monsters whose names begin with a vowel should now use the article ‘an’ instead of ‘a’.

Albion Monsters

– The Rock Giant Wizards and Shamans in the Albion frontier are now correctly set to uncharmable.

Hibernia Monsters

– The Troglodytes and Thorg in Treibh Caillte have been correctly set to type “humanoid”.

– The Amalgamate Parthanan’s should now spawn correctly.

Items Notes

– Future drops of the Shadowsilk Gloves, Shadowsilk Vest, Shadowsilk Pants, Elven Gossamer Gloves, Elven Gossamer Vest, and Elven Gossamer Sleeves (all from Hibernia) should be the correct level for the mobs from which those items drop. Players who already own those items will need to go out adventuring to replace those items, as the field changed will not automatically update on existing items.

– A focus of deathsight has been added to the Mortal Coil Scrying Staff (Albion).

– The Lifeblinder staff (Albion) has been replaced with a new staff called Staff of the Lifeblinder. The Lifeblinder staves already in existence will remain unchanged, but will no longer drop. The new version of the staff has a focus added in place of one of the bonuses from the original Lifeblinder.

– Particle effects have been added to the Flesh Stretched Riddle Staff, Mortal Coil Scrying Staff, the old version of the Lifeblinder staff, and the new Staff of the Lifeblinder (all in Albion).

– The cloth version of the Sleeves of Buri (Midgard) should now look like cloth armor and can be dyed with cloth dye.

– The Wretched Skin Robe (Albion) should salvage for the proper amount.

– The Heavy Bastard Sword (Hibernia) should no longer appear to have a proc in delve info.

– The items in Dartmoor, Sheeroe Hills, and Malmohus have been upgraded to Shrouded Isles standards in bonus points, except for the dragon-specific loot. All items changed were increased in points…no items bonusses were lowered.

– The Njessi Carved Fang (Midgard) should now require sword skill instead of two-handed.

– The Lucent Spirit Helm (Hibernia) no longer increases strength twice. Instead, one of the strength entries is now dexterity.

– The Omni Enchanted Cap and Omni Enchanted Boots (Hibernia) should now be named properly for the slot in which they equip.

– Blessed Loki Boots (Midgard) should now salvage properly.


Bounty Quest Notes

– All SI Bounty quest items have been changed to sellable and stackable. The maximum stack is 15. NPCs will not take an entire stack. You will need to unstack and give bounty items one at a time.

Albion Quests

– Free the Rogue – we have made some significant changes to this quest to make it easier for players to lure Mercal from his hiding place. Also, players no longer need to accompany Mercal on his return to town, he will meet you there.

Hibernia Quests

– Fylara’s Armor – In response to player concerns about the long wait for broodmothers, we have decreased the wait time between broodmother spawns.

Dungeon Notes

– Trollheim: A bug in ‘The Rift’ encounter in Trollheim that did not allow The Rift monster to give experience or drop loot has been fixed. (Note – This has been fixed by a read file to all live servers, as well.)

– Trollheim: Bring a friend problems where monsters would attack from below or above a room have been reduced.

– Tuscaren Glacier: Several bugs with the Icelord Skuf and Steinvor encounter have been fixed. Steinvor’s seers should now work better. Both Steinvor’s and Skuf’s magical abilities should now work better.

Albion Monster Notes

– Caer Sidi: Lich Lord Ilron should no longer reset his encounter when he is not supposed to.

– Caer Sidi: The Apocalypse encounter should no longer stall and be unable to restart after a failed attempt.

– Players releasing to the bindstone at Wearyall Hill are less likely to be attacked by monsters around the bindstone.

– Haunted appletree seedlings will be longer be given as kill tasks.

– The amount of time before Xanxicar’s lair (The Crystal Cave) fills with lightning has been increased.

Midgard Monsters

– Iarnvidiurs Lair: Hurjavelen will no longer BAF with the other mobs in it’s area.

– Aegir’s Landing: The Morvalt that join Gormor and his lieutenants in their disease attack on Dyrfjell will no longer linger outside of the town after their leaders have left or been killed.

Hibernia Monsters

– The difficulty of the final Galladoria encounter has been lowered.

Items Notes

– The Medallion of Albion (one of the rewards in the Secret Orders quest in Albion) has been changed. There will be NO TURN IN NPC for this quest. Don’t look for one. Your item will simply update by itself.

– Palifan should no longer be dropping crossbows with longbow skill increases.

– The Disembodied Gauntlets (Albion) now increase the slash skill instead of sword.

– Gazsi’s Friendship Staff (Midgard) can now be salvaged.

– Herbalist’s Tunic of Power (Midgard) can now be salvaged.

– The Trident of Soulless Lament (Midgard) can now be dyed with the weapon enamels from Tuscaran Glacier.

– The Ring of Shadows (Albion) should now have the icon of a ring instead of a gem.

– The Morvalt Forced March Ring (Midgard) will now fit in the ring slot as intended.


– Free gear for the /level 20 and 30 characters is now set to no-trade.

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