Version 1.51G Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.51G test patch notes available on Camelot Herald. Included in this update are several bug fixes, quite a few spell changes, and some updates to the Mordred server. A snippet:

    – All DOTs now have their damage based on the caster’s primary casting stat. This means that high intelligence (or other prime stat) casters will significantly more DOT damage than they used.

    – Increased pet-only buffs to last 20 minutes for the Cabalist, Spiritmaster, and Enchanter.

    – Changed all list-caster debuffs to be instant cast, and on the same 3 second recast timer. Debuffs in this case refer to attack speed debuffs, resist debuffs and stat debuffs. This should make it much more practical to use debuffs in combat, since there won’t be a damage tradeoff. Since these debuffs should be more prominent and useful, durations have generally been shortened, and area effect versions have had their power costs increased appropriately.

    – Increased range on pet heals as part of the healing revision.

    – Changed Warden pulsing bladeturn into a chant so Wardens can switch between their existing chants and this one in combat.

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