Version 1.48C Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.48C patch notes from Pendragon available on Camelot Herald. This new patch should make archer and assassin types a little bit happier about the damage reduction introduced into PvP. Here’s an excerpt:

    – For PVP combat, the 35% reduction in damage is halved for hidden attacks (critical strikes from assassins) and critical shots from archers. This essentially means that even though we overall reduced melee damage 35%, for those specific attacks, we reduced it only 17.5%

    – High level poison damages have been increased. Assassin characters should see an increase in their poison damages.

    – You should now be able to melee while using /stick more easily than before, although it still is not a guaranteed hit.

    – Pet damage and damage add spells have been reduced by 35% in RvR. These should have been lowered when general melee and spell damage was lowered, but was not initially. This fix brings pet damage and damage adds in line with the new RvR damage formula.

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