Version 1.45C Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.45C patch notes from Pendragon available over at Camelot Herald. I’m sure those of you who play an archer class will have a tough time with this one:

    We are making several archer changes in this version. In short, archers are too powerful in RvR combat, but feel they don’t have enough to offer in group-based monster hunting. We have spent a lot of time testing this in-house over the last week, as well as analyzing player and tester feedback, and have come to the conclusion that archers can kill higher-level players far more easily than we ever intended. Currently, low-40’s archers can two-shot kill 50th level mages (who are red or purple to the archer), which is far too powerful. The testing also found that archers were not as effective fighting monsters in groups as we designed the classes. This version takes steps to correct both these problems.
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