Version 1.43c Release Notes (Test)

There has been another addition to the v1.43 patch notes up on Camelot Herald, which mainly addresses the issue of rogues stealing relics by themselves:

    Stealthed characters are currently able to sneak into a Relic Keep, pick up a Relic, and sneak out. The intent when designing the class was to let them sneak into a keep, but become visible once the Relic was picked up – so they could be able to do reconnaisance, or take advantage of a chaotic situation by sneaking in the keep in the middle of a fight, grabbing the relic, and running. They were not intended to be able to steal Relics on their own. This is a team-based game, and we don’t want to get into the situation where one or two characters can obviate the need for a Relic Keep siege. So, in light of this, we have made the following two changes:

    – Whenever a stealthed character picks up a Relic, they will become visible.

    – You can no longer go into stealth mode when you are carrying a Relic.

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