Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Preview

Yahoo! Games has put together a four-page preview of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, after spending some firsthand time with Sigil Games’ upcoming fantasy MMORPG. Here’s a bit to start you off:

Finally, there are sympathies, which are class specific interactions similar to Everquest II’s “heroic opportunities.” For example, a sorcerer casts Lens of Power. When it’s finished, if the psionicist in the party has Mind Blast, a spell boosted by Lens of Power, its icon will pop up in the psionicist’s sympathy window. Does he cast it? Or does he try to finish some chain he’s working on? Or does he buff his defensive target? These windows are Vanguard’s way of telling you what your options are and making them available without you having to cram a set of task bars to capacity.

McQuaid compares the combat to Magic the Gathering. “In Magic, it’s not just about the cards you have. You have to deal with what your opponent is doing. So our mandate is that you need to pay attention to what’s happening in front of you. And the idea is that many different decisions then pop up.”

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