Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Interview

The guys at Okratas have posted another five-question interview with Sigil Games’ Steve Burke, in which the senior game designer reveals a little information about his video game history. One of the five questions and answers to follow:

Q: What are the things in your background as a player that give you insight into designing any aspects of the game?

A: Pretty simple for me. I’ve played all kinds of games since childhood, and had a special affinity for video games. Having played many of them, I’ve gained a good sense of what I like and don’t like and why. I’ve played many types of content in MMOGs as well and have developed what I feel is a pretty good idea of what other players fiend on as well. I think that having philosophical discussions about what might be fun can be productive to a degree, but that there’s no substitute for rolling up your sleeves, playing games and distilling what’s fun from the ‘not so great’.

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