Vampyr Previews

Now that E3 2016 is behind us, it’s time to take in a deep breath and pick through the thousands of articles that have emerged since the event. Thankfully, some of them are previews for Dontnod’s Vampyr.


People may not know that you’re a vampire in the game, but London’s vampire hunters know that the threat is upon the city. Fortunately for you, Reid can handle himself well in battle. Players can take advantage of his vampiric powers, which, if his blood levels are high enough, allow him to dart around areas quickly by transitioning to a smoky mist form. In one instance, we saw him use another mist ability to summon tendril-like clouds from below, which flung a hunter in the air – only to solidify in a spike and impale the hunter before dissipating.


The world of Vampyr is a semi-open world with interconnected districts that have no load times in-between each area. Each district is different from the other and each has its own ecosystem. The game has many exterior and interior environments and while we didn’t get to see too much of the city, I can say that the game is looking quite good with its dark and moody atmosphere built on the Unreal Engine 4.


Johnathan Reid, our nosferatu main character, is a doctor by trade, so of course he uses a serrated bonesaw when faced with vampire hunters looking for a job to complete. Combat seemed like an odd mix of Batman timed button presses, Bloodborne quick stepping, and devastating dark magic attacks like a shadow that impales people like the most metal pincushion this side of a Hot Topic. The angst and atmosphere of London is strong with this game, as everything feels like Tim Burton’s interpretation of Sweeney Todd (though with a lot more rain and general grime). Admittedly, the few story bits were driven home with the subtlety of a stake through the heart (ha!). One female companion made damn sure Johnathan understood his actions would have consequences, and they might as well have given Reid a tear tattoo to go with his Chris Gaines demeanor. Hopefully things will be a little more nuanced and the tone can move beyond an Evanescence concert.

PlayStation LifeStyle:

It doesn’t matter if you do want to save everyone, because a vampire has got to eat eventually. As you find clues about the disease, Dr. Reid will undoubtedly stumble upon less than lovely folks. Some of these lovely folks are vampire hunters, who will try to kill you on sight. So hey, why not take one of them aside and kill them? Naturally, you should do that after you take care of the others in the mob, because if any are left standing, they aren’t apt to letting you finish your meal.


Combat in the game is fast and fluid and looks similar to Bloodborne. Players will use melee attacks as well as firearms to defeat foes and dodge with the familiar dash evasion which rewards speed and reacting to enemy movements. Further augmenting the combat are vampiric abilities, including the summoning of spectral forms. In the demo we witnessed a massive shadow-hand rise from the ground to lift and crush a foe. To counter the power of such abilities, using them during combat drains your health and strength requiring you to feed to restore. Jonathan is also able to teleport to different locations, adding an extra strategic element of traversal.

And GamePressure:

Dontnod leaves some space for spilling blood, as limitations regarding murders and experience points apply only to the innocent civilians. There will be no punishment for killing enemies – the vampire hunters. In the post-war London there is an old organization that found its purpose in eliminating bloodsuckers, both the “higher” ones that are no different from regular people, and the “lower” ones – imperfect vampires whose bodies were modified by mutations. In combat Reid will not only use his supernatural abilities, but he will also have a variety of weapons at his disposal, e.g. firearms. The game has an arcade combat system, and the player will have to work hard not to come out worse for wear on the other end of the skirmish. The French already highlight that the game will require you to get good at moving around the battle area and avoiding sophisticated tools that the vampire hunters can use to take a substantial amount of Jonathan’s energy. Of course you will also have to get proficient in engaging your opponents in melee fights or in ranged combat. It’s worth mentioning that the vampire will be able to regain some of the lost health by plunging his teeth deep into his opponent’s neck, but by doing so you will become an easy target for other enemies.

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