Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption “Neural Redemption” HD Texture Pack Released

Just when you thought the only thing to look forward to was a Bloodlines sequel, an appealing new mod called “Neural Redemption” comes out of the ether and revitalizes Nihilistic’s original V:tM title, Redemption, by taking its aging textures and giving them a thorough spit-shine. The end results are quite impressive, as you can see in this comparison image:

Neural Redemption — HD texture pack for Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption

All textures are original, so the atmosphere is preserved, upscaled to 4x resolution with neural networks, then downscaled to meet 512×512 resolution limit of the engine.

ALL (3147) of the game textures are upscaled.

Unfortunately, UI has fixed resolution and I couldn’t replace it.

Note the final sentence in the description, too: “And also I’m working on Neural Bloodlines, so stay tuned.”

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