Vampire: Bloodlines Weekly Update #2

Activision’s Shane DeFreest stopped by IGN’s “Bloodlines Inn” forum to post his second weekly update for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. A full rip to follow:

1. Will there be a Background system in play for character creation?

Yes, we have a background system in place in which the player can choose a “history” for his character, which gives his character some bonuses as well as some negatives. For instance, in choosing a certain background you may get extra points in a stat or two but be restricted to only raising another stat to a certain level. We’re tailoring this background system to our game, so while you may recognize some backgrounds from Vampire: The Masquerade, others will be new.

2. Can we jump in vampire, and will the jump length be affected by the strength of the character ( I can envision vampires running over the roofs of buildings, in a cool chasing scene par example)?

Yes, your jump is affected by the strength and athletics ratings of your character.

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