Vampire: Bloodlines Site Opens!

Troika has debuted an official website for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, complete with an extensive PDF preview from PC Gamer magazine. Check out this conclusion:

Vampires will, of course, have access to their natural clan-bred abilities and disciplines, dispersing experience points earned in a game on enhancing their powers or purchasing better weaponry. (Yes, vamps can wave guns, too, but their starting arsenal is limited to simple (pawn shop) rods.)

Either side can steal dropped weapons from the dead, and although ideas are still being batted around the office, chances are that some battles will be waged in civilian zones, forcing teams to engage each other in absolute secrecy.or break the rules of the Masquerade.

(We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren’t acceptable in the light. Night is when we slake our thirst.) Vampire’s Kiss

The children of Caine are coming. Their power will be yours. Are you up to the task?

Good night.

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