Vampire: Bloodlines Review

GamerDad has posted a review of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, giving the CRPG an overall score of 4.5/5, but warning parents not to let their children play or even see the game firsthand. Their conclusion:

VtM: B is an excellent game, an epic RPG that took me more than 70 hours to complete, including as many side quests as I could find. I encountered some graphical stuttering and occasional crashes to desktop, but no significant bugs or incomplete areas. It is some of these small things that mar the game the lack of final polish in an otherwise excellent game. Again a necessary comparison to HL2 while VtM: B has much more to offer in terms of plot and character, and its action is more balanced and better paced through the game, and heck even some of the weapons are better & the tremendous production values of HL2 make it feel much more finished and complete. That notwithstanding, I heartily recommend VtM: B to any RPG fans, as well as fans of games such as Deus Ex.

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