Vampire: Bloodlines Review

RPGDot let us know that they’ve written up a review of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, giving the CRPG an overall score of 84%. Their conclusion to follow:

In concluding this review – I’ve always gone by a very simple mode in determining just how enjoyable (or lack thereof) any particular game is. If I find myself unable to complete a game, then that would be a game I would hardly qualify as “Fun” in any sense of the word; if I play a game through to completion only once – then I’d categorize such a game as “Borderline Fun”; if I play a game through to completion two or more times (and then shelve it for playing on some future date) – then I’d declare that game to definitely fit the definition of “Fun”. That being said, I had just completed my third Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines game before sitting down to pen this review.

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