Vampire: Bloodlines Q&A

RPGVault was lucky enough to conduct an interview with Leonard Boyardsky, co-founder of Troika, about the new Vampire: The Masquerade game they are working on entitled Bloodlines. A snippet:

Q: What kind of feel or mood are you aiming for the gameworld to have? What kinds and what balance of different environments are you using to create this feeling?

A: As I said before, we’re aiming for the full World of Darkness experience. It is a dark world, both visually and in content. We have set the game in LA and its surrounding areas, which allows us to bring in everything from the extravagant, super-rich and super-exclusive scene of Hollywood to the dirtiest, grimiest underbelly of downtown. The player gets to experience diverse areas from extravagant mansions to seedy strip bars to underground raver clubs and everywhere in between. Our main areas are fairly large to deliver on the feel of a city, but there are also both indoor and outdoor maps and a combination of wide open and twisted and tight maps depending on the situation you may find yourself in.

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