Vampire: Bloodlines E3 Demo & Interview

Yahoo Games Domain has scored an interview with Troika’s Leonard Boyarsky, as well as a video walkthrough of the E3 demo for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. They’ve broken the video walkthrough up into five parts and have released the first one today. Here’s an excerpt from the Q&A:

Q: You seem to have had a pretty free hand to include “adult” themes and language in the game. Do you think this is a natural consequence of a maturing industry, or a passing fad? How does it enhance your game?

A: I think the fact that we’ve been allowed to include mature themes in Bloodlines results directly from the fact that Activision has realized from day one that any self-respecting game about vampires, especially one derived from the White Wolf universe, is at its very core a mature game.

Sadly, I don’t think this has anything to do with the “maturing” of the game industry, as most of the industry at present will run screaming from a mature title. Activision is rare in that not only are they letting us do a mature game, but they’re supporting it as one of their main titles as well. I think this enhances our game in that it gives us much more freedom to explore different themes, and dish up some good content.

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