Upcoming Neverwinter Nights 2 Dev Chat

Warcry has announced that they will be hosting an IRC chat later this month with several members of the Neverwinter Nights 2 development team. The full details:

When: 01/26/2006 6pm PST
Where: irc.warcry.com::6667 (irc.chatspike.net::6667) #nwn2

Don’t have an IRC client, no problems you can use our Java client.

So connect early and chat with others about NWN2, then chat with the Devs.

The Dev Guest List is quite impressive:
Ferret Baudoin (lead designer)
Chris Avellone (creative director)
Charles Mead (lead scripter)
John Morgan (associate producer)
Darren monahan (Senior Producer)
Frank Kowalkowski (lead programmer)
Tramell Isaac (lead artist)

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