Untold Legends: The Warrior’s Code Q&A, Part Two

RPG Vault has kicked up the second portion of their Q&A regarding Sony’s upcoming PSP action RPG sequel, Untold Legends: The Warrior’s Code. This time around, producer Robert Hill, lead designer Bill Trost, content designer Amanda Flock and systems designer Nels Nelson answer the questions. A snip:

Q: How will the central storyline and the quests it incorporates be organized? Will they be more open-ended or linear?

A: The metaplot quests for Warrior’s Code have been designed and executed in the same linear method that was present in Brotherhood of the Blade, meaning that storyline quests are assigned and completed in a specific order. However, where Brotherhood of the Blade offered a lot more open-ended options as far as quest progression was concerned, Warrior’s Code is a lot more focused on the main storyline.

This focus on the main storyline is the driving force behind the game play of Warrior’s Code, meaning that quests and their completion are absolutely integral to game progress. You can be sure that there will never be a time in your player character’s career when they are without a storyline mission to complete.

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