Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous Update #37

An earlier Kickstarter update for Stirring Dragon Games’ old-school RPG Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous asked the game’s backers for additional donations without showing anything concrete to prove that the game even existed in the first place.

And now, the latest update, once again without showing anything or even sharing any actual numbers, claims that the silent majority of the game’s backers supports the developers and as such they can keep doing whatever it is they’ve been doing for the past several years, but now with an added bonus of occasional non-committal updates and exclusive behind-the-scenes videos for those easily parted with their hard-earned money.

Check it out:

Hi Everyone!

As promised, here is a short follow-up on the results from our December 31st update…

What we learned from that update is that the comment section does not reflect our community as a whole. We are very humbled by the amount of behind-the-scenes support we’ve received over the last two weeks from our backers and even newcomers to the Unknown Realm community! This brings us a lot of hope and we want to thank each person that has taken the time to let us know they are with us and excited about this game.

A few noteworthy findings:

  • Out of approximately 250 comments posted in the last two weeks here on KS, about 65% of those comments were posted by the same 20 backers, most of whom we already knew were not going to respond positively (one backer posted 50 comments in the space of a few days).
  • The majority of support we received was from backers who are not particularly active in the comment sections, which tells us there are more backers paying attention who remain quietly optimistic and supportive.
  • Out of the sample of backers that we know are engaging with this project in any form (emails, messages, likes, comments, donations, etc..), the majority are supportive of us. So if you are reading the comments, please know they definitely don’t tell full story.

The good news is that our idea to offer new behind-the-scene perks to backers that are interested in providing ongoing monthly support is a GO! We are excited to share some behind-the-scenes parts of this journey with them. We still have a ways to go to reach our full-time funding target, but we believe the level of support will continue to grow in the coming months as we move towards building a more vibrant and positive community.

Going forward, our current plan is to share our first behind-the-scenes video with our monthly supporters in the next few weeks, and to post our next game related update here on KS around the same time.

Until then,

Bruce & Laura

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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