Underrail Development Log #30: Update Released

The latest Underrail development log is uncharacteristically brief, but I suppose there’s no need for a lot of words when you have a new update that includes two new quest hubs ready to do the talking for you. Here’s a snippet anyway:

We will initially be releasing the new update only on Steam until the version stabilizes (we fix any glaring issues you guys find that we missed) after which we’ll deploy it to other platforms as well. I’m sorry for the inconvenience this might cause to some, but it’s just way too much overhead to deploy hotfixes on multiple platforms.
Aside from new areas and quests, we also added the following since the last dev log:

  • Items
    • Added new metal type for crafting
    • Added taser blueprint so electronics experts can protect themselves from hooligans and stalkers
  • Tweaks
    • Throwing nets made more useful now (no longer completely ineffective against opponents with decent or higher strength).
    • Carrier vests made more common as loot/merchandise.
    • Reduced the damage scaling of bilocation, neural overload, cryokinesis and electrokinesis. These abilities should be roughly the same power early game as they were before, but the idea is to prevent them from scaling out of control mid-late game. Also keep in mind that with all the buffs to psi-related feats they might end up even stronger than the last patch so further balancing might be required.
    • Completely most quests in oddity mode now grants some (usually small: 1-3) amount of XP. This should make completing quests feel more rewarding (especially those quests that don’t involve exploration) without significantly affecting the XP balance in this mode.
  • Interface
    • Improved item management mechanics by adding sort button to containers and “transfer all” button to player inventory that can be used to transfer all the items to the currently opened container.
  • Bugs
    • Fixed the bug with certain secret monoliths not recognizing character’s psi empathy Increased the bear trap triggering radius so characters cannot pass in between two adjacent traps

We put a lot of effort in improving the narrative, quest hub area quality and game world cohesion, which I believe were up to this point the weaker aspects of the game. I hope you guys enjoy the update. Let us know what you think.

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