Underrail – Dejan Radisic Interview

The Gaming Ground recently had an opportunity to chat with Dejan Radisic, the main developer behind Stygian Software’s post-apocalyptic RPG Underrail. The resulting interview touches on such topics like Underrail’s development and inspirations, Stygian Software’s future plans, and shares some general game development advice. For example:

What was your biggest inspiration for “Underrrail”? A lot of people compare it to “Fallout” 1 and 2, do you agree with this?

Fallout, besides the similarities to turn-based combat, mostly inspired the art style. Concerning the game mechanics, most of the influence came from System Shock 2 and Neverwinter Nights.

What was your biggest challenge during the development of the game?

Probably the isometric rendering. Specifically, aligning objects in a way that their overlapping makes sense. In theory, this is simple, but when objects of different sizes and purposes appear on the screen, this can create quite a few problems.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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