Unconfirmed: The Elder Scrolls V is a Direct Sequel to Oblivion

If you’re willing to believe this report on Eurogamer Denmark, one of their editors was apparently in contact with a member of The Elder Scrolls V development team during an airplane trip that took place yesterday. And thanks to the Google translation, we’re able to learn a few details of the as-of-yet unannounced sequel:

He not only confirmed the role of the game’s current production, but also spoke briefly about the content – that is part fantasy scintillating words of like Dragon Lord, anything with Blades, and voice acting for the characters in the game is on in these weeks.

The same source confirmed with official game documents in hand, this will be a direct sequel to The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, which is the latest game in the now 16 years old Elder Scrolls saga and of itself one of the last years of better RPG for PC and consoles.

We convey thereto just what we’ve seen and heard, and respecting of course, that there is an NDA agreement for all involved, why we have chosen not to clarify details about either fly trip geographic details, case writer or the identity of the source of these sparse facts about the game.

There’s absolutely no mention of this being an MMO, so if the report is true, this is all pretty good news to me.

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