Unconfirmed: Dragon Age II Announcement Tomorrow

BioWare has cryptically tweeted that “2morrow will be a great day for BioWare fans”, and Shacknews seems to think that the “2” in “2morrow” has a hidden meaning.

The horrendous use of “2morrow” might be a clue and not just Internet-speak. Besides, there was plenty of room left in that 140 character-limited tweet. With Mass Effect ready to move on to number 3, that leaves Dragon Age ready for number 2.

Further backing up a major announcement, though completely speculation on my part at this time, is the fact that Game Informer is scheduled to reveal a cover tomorrow.

We know there’s a new Dragon Age coming in 2011, so even if tomorrow’s announcement has nothing to do with Dragon Age II, such an announcement is most likely coming soon.

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